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Get access to over 17,400 tradable instruments including UK and international equities, fixed income, ETPs, investment trusts and other key asset classes.

Securities Coverage

Sales trading & asset classes

    Sales trading

    • Highly-experienced fourteen-strong high touch sales trading team.
    • Deeply embedded relationships across a range of client categories accessing a diverse distribution network across the UK, Europe and North America. 
    • Coverage includes institutions, investment banks, centralised electronic trading desks, registrars, share plan administrators, wealth managers, retail brokers, hedge funds and family offices.
    • Market leading technology and liquidity provision drive client focused outcomes. 


    Contact our institutional sales & specialist sales trading teams for more information

    Andrew Stancliffe - Head of Institutional Sales Trading

    +44(0)20 3100 0488


    Lindsey Sparling - Head of Specialised Sales & Execution

    +44(0)20 3100 0666

    66666, 66667

    UK equities

    Use the services of the UK’s #1 market maker in London*

    Registered in over 3300 instruments on the London Stock Exchange (LSE website, January 2021)

    Winterflood’s success has been built on its execution and distribution capabilities in UK equities covering:

    • AIM
    • FTSE 350
    • Small Cap
    • Fledgling
    • Aquis Exchange


    Contact our UK equities team for more information

    Mark Bumstead - Head of AIM and Small Cap

    +44(0)20 3100 0801

    75414, 75415, 75416

    Matthew Lee - Head of FTSE & Exchange Traded Products Trading

    +44(0)20 3100 0104


    International equities

    Reduce the complexities of trading internationally by using a single platform matched by full broker service if needed. We can help you with:

    • Market making and a dealing service covering the majority of listed stocks across Europe, the US and Canada, available on the Winner platform. 
    • Full electronic and telephone broker service available in multiple currencies including risk capital if required. 
    • Access to all main listed securities in North America and Europe as well as to all main trading venues and a number of specialist markets. 
    • A dedicated team with over 15 years experience offering various settlement options and choices of currency. 

    Contact our international equities team for more information

    Joe Roulland - Head of International Trading

    +44(0)20 3100 0560 +44(0)20 3100 0550

    STX 75400 STX 75430

    Fixed income

    Since 1995, our experienced fixed income trading team has been offering wholesale and retail liquidity to our diverse list of wealth managers, small institutions and retail intermediaries.  Winterflood’s market-making and trading desk provides extensive coverage in the secondary market of sterling corporate bonds and UK Gilts.  Together with our Debt Capital Markets team, Winterflood offers a one-stop shop including origination, distribution, settlement, market-making and post-issuance liability management.

    Winterflood’s Fixed Income market-making desk is:

    • A recognised retail gilt-edged market maker (GEMM) offering a service in UK gilts
    • A registered market maker on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) Order book for Retail Bonds (ORB)
    • A recognised LSE market maker in equity preference shares, Permanent Interest Bearing Shares (PIBs), fixed income ETFs and sterling bonds

    Winterflood’s Debt Capital Markets team comprises of individuals who have extensive experience of the UK’s wholesale and retail-enabled listed bond markets.  Members of our team have originated, structured and placed retail-enabled listed bonds for debut issuers and established corporate borrowers since the 2011. 

    The UK’s listing rules are likely to change during 2024 with the intention of making it easier for bond issuers to use low denominations that are more suitable for wealth managers and retail investors.  Winterflood’s unique proposition has always been to provide liquidity, distribution and service to wealth managers and retail investors via their intermediary brokers.  We are therefore naturally positioned to support issuers who want to benefit from extending the distribution of their bonds to a segment of the market that has been excluded both in the primary and secondary markets.  

    If you would like to know more about how the changes could be of benefit to your business then please reach out to Winterflood Debt Capital Markets.  Read our White Paper here which explains the coming changes.

    Contact our fixed income team for more information

    Will Boddy - Head of Fixed Income Trading

    Michael Smith - CFA, Debt Capital Markets

    +44 (0)20 3100 0803

    Bloomberg: WINX

    75411, 75402, 75429

    Exchange traded products (ETP)

    As a client you can expect innovative products in our wide range of exchange traded funds and exchange traded commodities. Winterflood’s friendly and knowledgeable ETP team are well placed to provide:

    • Highly competitive prices for retail clients, as well as having access to a large pool of liquidity for institutional clients
    • Comprehensive market coverage including all major indices, commodities and currencies
    • Leveraged, hedged and inverse products
    • Multiple settlement options regarding currency and venue without prohibitive costs

    Contact our exchange traded products team for more information

    Matthew Lee - Head of FTSE & Exchange Traded Products Trading

    +44(0)20 3100 0104


    Investment trusts

    Winterflood investment trusts provides full-service broking support to its clients including:

    • Market making: leading liquidity provider in investment companies over the last 3 years
    • Specialist investment trust sales: largest dedicated investment companies sales team with a market-leading position in both primary and secondary sales
    • Corporate finance: experienced sponsor, financial adviser and broker with an in-depth knowledge of the sector
    • Research: highly rated research team with an extensive web-based research service providing data and analysis on the whole sector

    Contact our investment trusts team for more information

    Matthew Wilson - Head of Investment Trusts Sales

    Jason Robins - Deputy Head of Investment Trust Market Making

    +44 (0)20 3100 0700/0701


    Markets Coverage

    Access to Global Pools of Liquidity

    A map of the markets we cover including Canada, the US and Europe.